ECHO > Industries > Automatic Bread Packing Machine

Automatic Bread Packing Machine

There are many types of bread, and we can classify them according to their size and shape. Premade Pouch Packaging Machine can handle most breads, as long as it does not exceed its maximum packaging size and provides better packaging bags, HFFS Packing Machine can efficiently package larger or specific shape breads.

HFFS machine dxd-380
DXD-300/380/630 SERIES

Automatic Bread HFFS Packing Machine

Larger Block Pack Up to 290 Bags/Min Use Horizontal Form Fill & Seal Machine to package larger or specific shape breads perfectly, the video shows the most basic style, you can design the packaging bag to help sales.

packaging machine MR8-200RW-300
MR8-300/200RW SERIES

Bread Premade Pouch Packaging Machine

Beautifully Package Up to 80 Bags/Min Premade Pouch Packaging Machine can pack most products with a fast speed. Choosing suitable prefabricated bags can greatly improve the appearance and ease of use for consumers.


Automatic Tray Sealing Machine

Tray Sealing Up to 12 Cycle/Min Fully intelligent system control, easy to access the production line and switch parameters. There are two modes for sealing: pressure mode and time mode, can be freely selected.